For Victims Of Clergy Sex Abuse

The Trauma Recovery Associates‘ Introduction To The Trauma Model Workshop was the first step in our goal to bring healing to victims of clergy sex abuse by offering trauma training to social workers and counselors. With the proper help, those who have suffered clergy sex abuse trauma can move from victim to survivor.
While our primary focus was to provide training for social workers and counselors, a diverse group of attendees was present, which led to a second goal of The TentMakers; bringing awareness to families and communities. In attendance, we had an attorney, a maternity mentor from a local crisis pregnancy center, several priests, a member of the Survivor Informed Task Force / criminal justice advocate, and a representative from the Louisiana State Attorney General’s Office, in addition to social workers and counselors. When people understand the effects and behaviors of those who have suffered trauma, they are in a far better position to intercede and lead victims of clergy sex abuse to a path of healing and hopefully obtain the justice they deserve.
We are excited about moving into the coming new year with some new ideas in the works for spiritual healing and possibly adding some excellent merchandise to help with funding and recovery. We are also working to bring more community awareness to trauma and its long-term effects on local communities and the criminal justice system.

Lastly, we are very excited at the response to our mission. We were able to launch a website in late August/early September, aligning with the timing of Louisiana’s new law for victims of sexual abuse. In addition, we have had some very outstanding and knowledgeable individuals who have offered to collaborate with us to further our mission to help those who have suffered trauma from clergy sex abuse. We hope you will continue to support our mission to heal victims of clergy sex abuse who have not previously had a chance for healing and justice.
Your support is vital to our mission. As trauma affects so many in our families and communities, we believe this trauma recovery training workshop for victims of clergy sex abuse is a step in the right direction for healing and recovery. Your continued support will help us help them. Together we will be victorious and move big mountains!