What Did Pope Benedict Really Know?

by | Jan 24, 2022

Objectively False or Lie

St. Peter’s Square

What did Pope Benedict know about the priest before him? There is nothing more heartbreaking to a victim or the family of a victim of clergy sex abuse than to sit down and read a new daily headline on who knew what about clergy sex abuse. We are tired of it, and those in the hierarchy have done nothing to eradicate clergy sex abuse. Nothing! Today is a new day and a new headline involving Pope Benedict.


The article is about whether or not Pope Benedict was in a meeting about a transfer of a so-called “gifted” priest accused of sex abuse. It almost seems as if the hierarchy looks at these priests as if the sex abuse was just a lapse in judgment, but their “giftedness” excuses them from any form of punishment. This excuse then allows the Bishops to send them to another place where they can freely use their ” gifts.” I am also bothered by calling his “previous assertion about the meeting objectively false.” Is there a problem with saying it was an objective lie?

Archbishop Gänswein said Benedict had called his previous assertion about the meeting “objectively false,

The article states that “On Monday, Benedict’s personal secretary, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, issued a statement saying that, upon reading the findings of the report, the retired pope had been present at the meeting in question “contrary to what was stated.” Archbishop Gänswein said Benedict had called his previous assertion about the meeting “objectively false,” and that it was not made in “bad faith” but was the result of a mistake in the editing process of an 82-page statement provided to the lawyers.”


Healing will happen for victims when the headlines are similar to Justice For Victims Of Clergy Sex Abuse, or The Catholic Church Takes Action. As victims and their families, we need to see and hear that the Catholic Church is taking genuine steps toward justice and accountability. We are tired of the excuses, and the time has come to expel the pedophiles and make the Catholic Church safe again.



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