Supporting survivors
of clergy sex abuse.

Victim Support

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TentMakers of Louisiana

TentMakers of Louisiana (TentMakers) is an organization dedicated to fostering hope, healing, and justice for survivors of clergy sex abuse. Our primary objectives are to bring restoration, joy, and a renewed sense of life to those who have been affected. We provide a safe and supportive space where individuals can connect and openly share their fears, hurts, sorrows, and feelings of betrayal. Simultaneously, we actively work towards addressing the lack of clear accountability, transparency, and responsibility within the Catholic Church. Through our collective efforts, we strive to create a future where hope flourishes, healing prevails, and justice is upheld.

Simultaneously, we actively work towards addressing the lack of clear accountability, transparency, and responsibility within the Catholic Church. Through our collective efforts, we strive to create a future where hope flourishes, healing prevails, and justice is upheld.

closeup of hands stacked on one another in support
group of men and women hiking a path through lush woods
Eight friends holding hands up in triumph in nature at sunset

At TentMakers, our mission is centered on establishing a reliable and supportive network for individuals seeking solace and understanding. The Peyton family, recognizing the crucial need for a safe space to openly share fears, hurts, sorrows, and betrayals among trusted individuals embarked on a search for such an environment. While exploring various organizations, we realized that most focused on exposing overarching issues within the Church, which did not align with our specific circumstances. It became apparent that people hesitated to address these concerns, and victims were burdened with deep trauma, making open conversation incredibly challenging.

The consequences of the scandal and the lack of transparency had severely strained relationships within the Church and the wider community. Victims, deprived of trust, found it incredibly difficult to confide in friends and family. Witnessing the detrimental impact on our own son, five other children, the community, and our valued friendships, (the Peyton family) felt a profound sense of obligation to contribute to finding solutions. Understanding that our Diocese stood at the epicenter of these challenges in the United States during the 1980s, it became clear that our efforts begin here, supporting victims, their families, and their communities on their journey towards healing and seeking justice.

Victims of clergy sexual abuse lack a comprehensive guide outlining the steps and timelines to navigate the various organizations involved in seeking healing and justice. As a result, their pursuit of justice becomes an ongoing battle, demanding unwavering determination to hold their priest accountable and ensure his incarceration. They face the daunting challenge of acquainting themselves with the diverse range of available counseling options and the specialized support explicitly required for clergy sexual abuse. The situation’s complexity is further intensified by the fact that this abuse took place within the Church, which had previously been a sanctuary of solace and healing but had now become a source of betrayal and anguish.

At TentMakers, our unwavering commitment is to rebuild shattered trust, provide guidance, and foster a profound sense of justice within our communities. Through our collective endeavors, we aim to create an environment where victims can find solace, families can discover the support they need, and communities can come together to heal and seek resolution.

Click here to read our open letter to Pope Francis, calling for the removal of Marko Rupnik’s art from places of worship, churches, and publications and demanding Dr. Paolo Ruffini’s resignation, accountability, and healing within the Catholic Church.

multiple tents camping near a river
Grove of old growth oak trees


Letitia and Scott Peyton, deeply affected by the harrowing experience of clergy sexual abuse within their own family, were determined to make a difference and provide support for other victims. Drawing inspiration from the biblical couple Priscilla and Aquila, known for their hospitality and support of the early Christian church, the Peytons embarked on a mission to establish a nonprofit organization called TentMakers Of Louisiana.

TentMakers Of Louisiana was founded with the purpose of assisting victims of clergy sexual abuse in navigating the complex legal and hierarchical structures of the Church. Understanding the challenges faced by victims in seeking justice and healing, the Peytons aimed to provide a comprehensive guide and support network for those affected by such abuse.

Drawing from Scott Peyton’s professional background in criminal justice and Letitia Peyton’s experience from past employment and nurturing their children, the couple combined their skills and knowledge to create an organization that would address the unique needs of victims of clergy sexual abuse.

The journey to establish TentMakers Of Louisiana was not an easy one. The Peytons faced significant obstacles as they confronted the trauma inflicted upon their family, all while navigating the legal system and the Catholic Church hierarchy. They recognized the immense challenges victims face in seeking justice and healing, particularly in a situation where the abuser is a trusted figure within the Church community.

Driven by their firsthand knowledge of law enforcement and the church, the Peytons understood the importance of providing victims with a comprehensive guide outlining the necessary steps and timelines to navigate the legal and ecclesiastical processes. They wanted to empower victims with the knowledge and resources they needed to hold their abusers accountable and seek justice.

TentMakers Of Louisiana became a beacon of hope for victims of clergy sexual abuse. The organization offered information to help victims find help and specialized support tailored to the unique needs of those affected by clergy sexual abuse. They collaborated with legal experts, therapists, and other professionals to create a network of support that victims could rely on during their journey toward healing and justice.

Additionally, TentMakers Of Louisiana aimed to raise awareness about clergy sexual abuse within the Catholic Church and the wider community. Through public education campaigns, advocacy efforts, and speaking engagements, the organization sought to break the silence surrounding this issue and encourage dialogue, understanding, and prevention.

Letitia and Scott Peyton became modern-day Priscilla and Aquila, using their personal experience and expertise to provide support and guidance to victims of clergy sexual abuse. Through TentMakers Of Louisiana, they created a safe space for healing, empowered victims with knowledge, and tirelessly worked toward ensuring that no one had to face the journey alone. Their organization became a testament to their resilience and determination to bring about change in the face of betrayal and anguish.

Testimonials From Survivors who received Assistance from TentMakers

"Helping people find positive coping mechanisms to live with and move forward from childhood trauma.”

– Scott from Louisiana

“After my friend told me she greatly desired to find support from someone who could relate to being a victim of clergy sexual abuse, I started my search. It was not easy, but I finally found Letitia Peyton with The Tentmakers. Although I am not personally a victim of this crime, Letitia has been a Godsend to us both. We all have the same desire to try to make the Catholic Church a better place while we continue to grow in our faith and hopefully help others with healing. Letitia has been so gracious with her love, support, and time. We are so thankful for what she is doing.”

– S.B. from North Dakota

“As an employee inside the Catholic church, I suffered working in an environment of many thieves and gay clergy and staff. Following protocols and documenting and reporting the crime confidentially to management and hierarchy and bishop, nothing would be done; none of the thieves were fired, arrested, and held accountable to pay restitution. Many complaints were made regarding these criminals by the lay faithful and staff. I was threatened, bullied, harassed, discriminated against, and even ostracized for being honest and doing an excellent job. By finding Tent Makers of Louisiana and sharing my story of the trauma I experienced has helped me to break my silence and join a group of concerned Christians wanting to make a positive difference in the lives of victims and the overall health of the Catholic Church in Louisiana.”

– Anonymous in Louisiana

The TentMakers of Louisiana is a great group of people who advocate for abuse survivors like myself. They don’t just talk the talk. They walk the walk. They give me hope that there are still people in this world who not only care – but will fight for you.

– Gigi from Florida

"I have a story to tell, but I fear doing so publicly. Your ministry is genuine. It is gaining recognition. I thank God for your ministry and others that are in this fight."
"Thank you for catching me, holding me, and crying with me... You are one kick-ass mom. God knew He needed a mother's heart to lead this work. Thank you for your 'yes' and for turning your own crucifixion into bread for others. You truly were Mary for me today, and I will never forget."



TentMakers Of Louisiana is a dedicated organization that aims to bring hope, healing, and justice to survivors of clergy sex abuse. Our mission revolves around providing restoration, joy, and renewed purpose to those who have been deeply affected by these experiences. We sincerely appreciate your support in this endeavor, which is crucial in helping us fulfill our mission.

Photo Documentary Book

Explore the depths of resilience and recovery in ‘Resilience in the Shadows: Stories of Survival and Hope,’ a compelling photo documentary book co-created by acclaimed photographer Ana Reichm n and TentMakers Of Louisiana. This project seeks to share the powerful, untold stories of survivors of abuse through evocative photography and poignant narratives. If you are a survivor interested in sharing your story, or if you simply wish to learn more about this inspiring initiative, email [email protected] for further details and how you can get involved. Join us in bringing these stories of courage and hope into the light.

TentMakers Insight Luncheons

Conversations for Community and Healing

Join TentMakers Insight Luncheons for monthly gatherings that focus on trauma, healing, and advocacy. Engage in enriching discu sions, enjoy a warm community, and make a meaningful impact in the lives of survivors and their families. Please select the number f tickets you need and complete your RSVP. We look forward to seeing you at the TentMakers Insight Luncheon.

*Please remember that you will be responsible for paying for your lunch at the time of the event.